The Party Working Committee of high-tech Street explores and innovates the "six fixed work method" to promote the party building work at the "doorstep" to a new level

来源:   时间: 2023-08-30 15:03
  High-tech street党工委忠实践行习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想,In-depth implementation of the city's overall arrangements for grassroots party building work,Use a good movable platform carrier,Continue to consolidate the "doorstep" party building work,Explore and innovate the "six fixed work Method",Let the "doorstep" party building work bear fruit in Jilin High-tech Zone。
  Set goals -- to seek wisdom, change "resource integration" to "joint construction and linkage"
  With the integration of "enterprise city and school city" as the target carrier, the street party building alliance is formed through the matching meeting of the party building alliance and the signing of the regional co-construction task book2A, community party building alliance22A... coalition unit74Jointly carry out activities such as drawing the party building wall and "community micro classroom"170余次。Innovate to create a "knight sharing home", achieve "sharing of time and space resources and superposition of service functions", provide a "haven" for urban ferries, accelerate the new pattern of "two-way travel" between communities and riders, and guide takeout and Courier boys to participate in community governance。Give full play to the role of courts and public security forces in the investigation and resolution of disputes in the jurisdiction, grid service management, comprehensive treatment information construction and other fields, and assist the "three chiefs" to carry out grassroots governance work。
  Set the tone -- Leading Party building, turning "red gene" into "organizational guarantee"
  The new site establishes a grid Party and mass service station to achieve"15Minute red convenience service circle "area full coverage, with good use of live red post, warm heart post and other positions, to create a bright new village" party building leadership-Red Heart property ", horticultural community "party building lead-Owner self-governing property "demonstration project, holding experience exchange meeting, establishing"1+3+X"Service chain, innovation to carry out the" Five five work method ", the implementation of"24"24-hour service" mode, set up resident reception rooms and convenient service points, and truly realize on-site office。Promote the "corridor red butler", set up the "Red Butler" council hall, provide convenience to the people "treasure box", and build a strong red position。
  Fixed service - because of the need to take measures, change "on paper" to "sit and act"
  围绕10Class service,5Activities are carried out cumulatively300余次,Each community combines the actual jurisdiction,Carry out special "doorsteps" services: Set up "Monthly Public Welfare Service Day",Providing services such as scissors and free clinic;Contact merchants to provide free "love lunch" for elderly people living alone;Community shopping festivals are held regularly,To create a community ecosystem of harmonious coexistence among neighbors;Open "happy 4:30" "Summer I wonderful happy vacation" public welfare class,Provide care hosting services,Cumulative course duration44Hour (s);Continue to explore the "sharing mother" volunteer service project;Promote the provincial ethnic "building foundation" project pilot project, and effectively integrate ethnic work into grid and socialized services;Create a "mobile grid" to improve service accuracy。
  Set responsibilities - everything works, change the "problem list" to "effect list"
  Taking the old community transformation and property upgrading action as an opportunity, we will gradually update and upgrade the service facilities of the community, and complete the construction of the "pocket park" project of Yixin North Community。Insist on asking the people, ask the people, establish the people need account, lead the account, clear the responsible person and the time limit for completion, and currently collect the people need questions760条。Enhance community service functions, and create a "community station multi-room" three-dimensional service model。Set up demonstration posts for party members,We will implement the joint household registration system for Party members,Centralized listing of a number of "Party member central households",Inspire party members' sense of honor and mission,Let party members reveal themselves,Become the party's policy propagandist, civilization creation leader, conflict and dispute mediator,Promote the deep integration of the Party's "nerve endings" and the "basic unit" of urban governance。
  Set standards - online and offline, change "single operation" to "dual-core co-governance"
  We will ensure smooth access to both online and offline channels,Vigorously promote the construction of grid groups,At the same time to improve the group entry rate,Play a strengthening role,Through information often forward, demand often collect, results often feedback and other forms,Online channels for social conditions and public opinion,Establish a "dream come true micro wish" wish tree,Extensive collection of residents' micro wishes,Keep abreast of residents' demands and suggestions。Build "online and offline"24Hours of open recruitment, holding offline job fairs11Field, enjoy free recruitment, job search and other employment services, timely grasp of enterprise information, to provide "one-to-one" employment assistance services。
  Set measures - integration of knowledge and action, change the "last 100 meters" into "zero distance of service"
  Carry out community activities of "ranking, capturing the flag, and competing for stars", set up leading groups and special inspection working groups, and evaluate through data access, field inspection and other forms。Organize "strong skills, excellent service, warm people's hearts" grid staff business competition, "general social workers" training, and strive to cultivate a group of "general social workers"。Use the Assessment baton well,We will improve working standards and assessment methods,Around the social worker job responsibilities,Combined democratic evaluation,Implement "one-quarter assessment",Achieve standardized work management,Enhance the competence and professional level of community workers,Translate it into actual effectiveness in serving the people,Effectively transform the "last 100 meters" of serving the masses into "zero distance of service",To ensure that the "doorstep" party building work in the high-tech street implementation landing, achieve results。(Wu Di, Gaoxin Street)
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